
Sabtu, 7 Februari 2009


Hari ini kuasa Kesultanan Melayu mula tercabar. Mereka yang terdiri daripada golongan pemimpin seakan ‘gila’ dek cengkaman kuasa yang ada. Justeru, konsep Kesultanan Melayu dihina sewenang-wenangnya. Walhal, anak-anak kecil setiap hari melafazkan ikrar Rukun Negara yang mengandungi 5 prinsip asas sebagai teras kedamaian Malaysia. Sultan bertindak sebagai kepala sesebuah kelompok masyarakat yang dipimpin di bawah kuasa naungannya. Jawatan tertinggi seperti pembesar-pembesar negeri dilantik secara rasmi mengikut dititahnya. Justeru, wajarkah dipersoal andai titah Sultan sama yang melantik; tidak diendah apabila kuasa yang pernah dianugerah ditarik semula???

Tidak mahu memberi komentar berlebihan. Cukup hanya berdoa dan berharap agar segala kesulitan dalam politik Malaysia yang tidaklah sebesar mana ini reda secepatnya. Jangan nanti ‘gajah bertemu gajah, pelanduk mati di tengah-tengah’.
Sekadar pendapat peribadi. Fikir-fikirkan...

1 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

If the Sultan of Perak has the interests of his people at heart, he should have adhered to the suggestion of Datuk Seri Nizar on the dissolution of the state assembly.

Tiada sama sekali niat saya di sini untuk menderhaka atau menidakkan hak Duli Yang Maha Mulia.

I reckon that a fresh state election is the best answer to remedy the situation in Perak now. The assemblymen and assemblywoman who defected should resign their posts, for I see there is no honour in "melompat-lompat parti macam lompat-lompat katak". I really believe that people voted for them by virtue of the parties they represented and not for their personality or for who they are. Exceptions for this case are Tengku Razaleigh and Ibrahim Ali, because they still retain their parliamentary seats despite representing different political parties and sometimes running as independent in general elections held. Diaorang ni memang menang atas sebab ketokohan diaorang.

What's with a new state election ? If BN wants to secure more seats, a new state election is the platform where they can do exactly that, without the need for "backdoor takeover". PR should not be afraid of losing if they think that they still command the majority of people in Perak.

A state election can only be held at the discretion of the Sultan. Without his royal consent, such election may not occur. Maybe the Sultan has his reasons for not assenting the dissolution of state assembly as requested by Datuk Seri Nizar but I still think that the Sultan should maintain his neutrality on matters like this.

The easiest way to abate the bad situation in Perak now, in my humble opinion, is by making way for a state election. Only then it would be fair to the people of Perak.